
마법 FC/FCR 그리고 속성최대치 안내

ICARUS㈜ 2007. 5. 9. 11:40
사용자 삽입 이미지

울티마온라인의 최대 속성치 정보를 찾는도중 참고가 될만한 자료가 있어서 몰래 빼왔음

FC 패캐의 최대치 정보와 그외 참고내용

Fast Casting: This property is capped differently depending on the skill you're using. The list below:

Magery: 2
Necromancy: 2
Chivalry: 4 (unless your Magery skill is 70.0 or higher - then it's 2)
Ninjitsu: 4
Bushido: 4
Spellweaving: 4

Fast Cast Recovery: FCR is capped at 6 for all skill types.

Spell Damage Increase: A couple of you asked if SDI varied between PvP and PvM - it does. SDI is capped at 15% in PvP only - it has NO cap in PvM.

Resistences: As several of you pointed out, Elves actually have an Energy Resist cap of 75, not 70.

Resists: 70 in each
Lower Ammo Cost Max: 50% 
Hit Chance Increase 45%
Defense Chance Increase 45%
Swing Speed Increase 60%
Lower Mana Cost 40%
Damage Increase 100%
Luck 10,000 (this is theoretical - it's not actually reachable with currently available items)
Mana Regeneration 18
Hp Regeneration 18
Stamina Regeneration 24