Poisoning 포이즈닝를 키워보자.
포이즈닝을 올려봅시다.
I. Your Backpack (Inventory) -
.....A. Fishsteaks
..........1. Must be cooked.
..........2. Must have atleast 3.
..........3. Must be in main level of pack.
.....B. Bottles
..........1. Must be empty!
..........2. Amount...
...............a. If you're using Cure Kegs to cure, must have atleast 2.
...............b. If no curing required, or cure by other means, only 1 is needed. (If you only use one, there is a chance the bottle will block the placement of the fishsteaks back in their original stack after poisoning.. To prevent this, simply use more than one bottle.)
..........3. Must be in main level of pack.
II. Your resource container (Secure) -
(*note - this container must be secured on the floor of a house, does not support use of bank at this time, this will be addressed in a later update)
.....A. Alchemist
..........1. Nightshade - will be used to make poison potions
..........2. Mortars - will be used to make poison potions
.....B. Non-alchemist
..........1. Kegs
...............a. All types of kegs can be in the container.
...............b. Supports use of unidentified kegs ("a keg of Green potions").
...............c. If using potions to cure, put cure kegs in same container.
...............d. MUST be on main level of container.
..........2. Nothing else required
III. Play the script
.....A. Press play on the EasyUO screen.
.....B. Wait for the desktop to setup
.....C. Target the container you will use as the supply box
..........1. System Message - if they are on
..........2. Message Box - if SysMessages are disabled
.....D. It will then check to make sure you have sufficient skills available, then it will run.
.....E. If using alchemy and you run out of mortars &/or nightshade, it will proceed to use Kegs.
This chart is fully adjustable within the Settings page of the script.
000.0 - 030.0 = lesser poison
030.1 - 068.0 = poison
068.1 - 094.0 = greater poison
094.1 - 100.0 = deadly poison
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1. 백팩에 스테이트 3개, 빈병 1개
2. 컨테이너 상자에 스테이크 20개정도와 스킬에 맞는 독통만 넣어두셔야 합니다.
그럼 스타트 해보시겠어요 ? 처음 뜰때 시큐어 셋팅을 합니다. 그럼 선택만하면 아라서 작동을 합니다. 혹 시큐어 상자가 변경될경우 메뉴 오른쪽 5번째 셋팅에 들어가셔서 명칭앞에 붙어있는 버튼을 눌러 설정을 변경하시고 맨아래 저장 하시고 다시 스타트 하시면 됩니다.
그럼 받아서 실행해 보세요 :> 작동이 잘 안되면 될때까지 !~~ 피스